A little joy to share with you!

A little joy to share with you!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day!

We opted for a quiet day at home this year!  After all the turmoil and confusion of the past couple of weeks, it was absolutely beautiful to enjoy a day at home with our family and just a couple of extra friends!  This is really just a "photo album" post.  More stories and humor next time!

 Smiley kiddo is still enjoying her Halloween costume!  I've always had to struggle to get her into a hat and keep it on her head long enough for her to forget that it is there.  But Smiley actually *pointed* to her zebra headgear this morning!  Here she is, ready to go pick up Grammie before our Thanksgiving feast!

Our kiddos stayed in their jammies most of the day.  And played with beads.  Even the teens....

So glad they're all grown up....

Our kid crew went for a short walk between dinner and dessert.  Not nearly a long enough walk to burn through the food consumed during the day, but, heck!  They managed to make serious inroads on dessert just the same!  (Note... smiley in the zebra hat is honing in on sassy second child's boyfriend again!)

The teen crew managed to figure out my tripod and camera timer for me!  So we actually have a photo of everyone!


Happy Thanksgiving from the Brown Family Crew!  Hope you had a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! I burned off dinner by going to work and didn't have any pie until Friday.

    Hubby and I love to make beady buddies. We have several hanging on our tree.


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