A little joy to share with you!

A little joy to share with you!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Musically Gifted...

A week ago, oldest kiddo & I were getting ready to go toot our horns with friends at our Monday night jam session.  I guess Little Guy got excited about so many trombone players gathering in one place.  Labor started fast and furious about half an hour before we would have been leaving and the little guy was born three hours later.  No worries, though... he made it to the next session and celebrated his one-week birthday surrounded by trombonists!

While still at the hospital, one of the nurses commented to oldest kiddo that the baby had her lips.  YES!!!  I *knew* he was going to be a trombonist!  We tried him out on a little trombone last night.  He looked pretty cool, even if all his tooting came out the back end. 
All through the pregnancy, Little Guy enjoyed jazz band; boogeying and summer-saulting through oldest kiddo's rehearsals.  We were curious how he would react to a bit of live music.

Oldest kiddo sat with him about four feet from the bells of the goofy group. 

He was very impressed.  Guess he'd rather be playing!


  1. Little Guy is so adorable! He looks like he is a good sleeper too.

  2. So cute, but are you sure he wouldn't rather have a tuba?

  3. Yippeee!! The wee one has arrived and he is a cutie pie! I bet he will pick up an instrument and start to play without having a single lesson!
    xx, shell


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